List of products by brand Vee's Kaffee

Vee's Kaffee offers you a large selection of Grand Cru coffee beans that are freshly and gently roasted by hand to perfection every day


Vee's coffee (referring to the English "V" for Victory) is a pleasure of the highest quality. This is because we only roast hand-selected gourmet coffee beans from the best locations, so-called Grand Cru coffees from Indonesia, East Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America. And it was us who coined the term "Grand Cru coffee" back in 1999, the year of our successful establishment. Imitators have followed us. Only the Grand Cru coffee beans, which ripen more slowly in high mountain regions under excellent climatic conditions and are therefore considerably harder, are suitable for our very careful, intensive and much more aromatic roasting. This allows our coffees to fully develop their diverse aromas and all their characteristic flavour nuances. As a result, Vee's coffee has more fullness and long-lasting flavours. And the disruptive coffee acidity has almost completely decomposed due to the longer roasting process. As a result, the freshly ground beans exude an intense coffee flavour that fully unfolds in the cup.