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Vee's Organic French Roast...
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Vee's Organic French Roast Decaffeinated
From Price €8.90
Base price: 35.60€/1000g. Very dark roast especially for a french breakfast coffee with hot milk.Decaffeinated and organically grown coffee. Medium body.
Vee's Organic Bali Blue Moon
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Vee's Organic Bali Blue Moon
From Price €9.90
Base price: 39,60€/1000g. Organic Coffee from Bali, spicy and full-bodied with flavours of dark chocolate, milk and caramel. Full body.
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This article informs customers how our coffee is decaffeinated, what method is used and why
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Wie unser Kaffee entkoffeiniert wird
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With Vee's Coffee Finder, we would like to support you in finding your own personal coffee according to your taste and preferences.
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Why Vee's Coffee is differen
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